Its all about the fishing ….

Welcome to Fishing With Mack. This is all about fishing, from species to specimens off kayaks and shore. Kayak angling is becoming more popular each year as more people are realizing the potential that this form of fishing introduces. While shore and boat fishing still remain the backbone for most anglers, kayaks increase the accessibility to marks that may not have been reached by foot….ever. This introduces a sense of adventure by fishing in spots that may not have been fished before. Some may argue and question why one does not buy a boat? Well, think about driving a boat in water that is no deeper than a foot or in an area that is riddled with rocks just below the surface and the answer becomes simple.
This site has been set up to share personal experiences of my fishing portfolio, past and present. Head over to the About page to find out about me and what it is I am about.

By navigating through the menu in the title bar you will be able to go through the blog which details everything and anything fishing related including rigging of the kayak and general tactics for targeting various fish species. Also read the latest fishing reports which come from recent fishing outings. You may also scroll through the review section which covers various items of gear that have been tested. Check out the picture archive for some of the catches and if you want some first hand kayak fishing information head over to the videos page which will give you a taste of the action and whats being caught.

Please feel free to leave any correspondence and I will get a reply sent as soon as I can.
Maybe we might meet on the water somewhere. Hope you find what you are looking for on here and most importantly…..

Tight Lines


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