An afternoon well spent..

So how does one spend a Sunday afternoon? Well if the weather is somewhat decent I will always try and get some fishing in. It just so happened that yesterday proved to be a spur of the moment kayak day out. Now, I had planned on fishing as I dug some fresh lugworm in the morning with the intention of heading out for a cast anyway but to get the kayak out is the more preferred option.

So with the fresh lugworm packed in damp newspaper and kept cool they were in Daiwa Ninjaperfect condition for a session in the afternoon. I decided to fish a spot which is sheltered from the wind, which was a little breezy, but also throws up some cracking fish from time to time. I know from this spot that I need not bring any heavy gear but rather stick to my little Daiwa Ninja 2500 coupled with a Team Daiwa dropshotting rod which is a lovely little setup and fishing a 1oz weight is great. On the other rod I was using another light setup with a small baitcaster and both reels were spooled with the Daiwa J-Braid in 9lb breaking strain.

My rigs consisted of the tried and tested single hook ledger rig which was tied up using 12lb Daiwa fluorocarbonWP_20160612_08_32_07_Pro and a very good hook pattern for holding worm baits neatly was tied on. This hook comes in the form of the Cox and Rawle Aberdeen Match in 1/0. I like to use this size hook as I am not really sure what may be around but the hook itself is very capable of holing big fish and I have landed good bass on this hook without any trouble but being a smaller hook allows me to catch some of the smaller fish that may be around and they make a fantastic flatfish hook too.

Weights were dependent on the tide and a 1oz was perfect at the slacker stage of the tide while a 2oz was fine in the running tide. I anchored up and baited up my first rod and cast it out away from the kayak. While baiting up the second rod I had a rattle on almost immediately. I set the hook and had a great little fight on the smaller rod which came up to be a decent flounder. He was quickly released and the rods were cast out again.


What happened for the next hour can only be described as manic to the point were I was fishing one rod at a time. Every time the bait hit the water, within two minutes and sooner I was into a fish. They all were small school Bass but there were so many of them which is great to see. I released all my Bass due to the size of them and also with the new Bass rules in it is still closed season. I was just out to see what was about and not targeting anything in particular but I was plagued by these little feisty guys which were great sport on the light setups.

Small Bass


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For about close to an hour I had fish after fish which was some amount of action but nothing of any size but I was not complaining as there are worse ways of spending an afternoon. As the the tide slackened off I noticed a good few Mullet around and I had a couple of White Ragworm which I dug in the morning with the lugworm. So out went a bait with some White Rag and I was getting small knocks straight away. I missed a few until I finally hooked one and it was a no wonder why I had missed so many rattles, it was the smallest Golden Grey Mullet I have ever caught. I had a laugh to myself before taking a serious photo!

So that concluded another day and an evening on the water. I have to admit it was really enjoyable just being out there for the afternoon. I think that is what is the most appealing aspect of my kayak. I can get away from it all and catch fish!

Until Next Time,

Tight Lines.


Tope on the Hobie

Every year the Tope arrive in good numbers down in the South West of Kerry. I must admit that Tope fishing for me is not something that really does it for me and this more than likely comes down to my South African background where shark fishing was not something we did and really saw them as more of a nuisance, but that said, they do put up a great fight and I make it a day out when they arrive and land one or two before I start fishing for the other summer species that arrive around the coast of Ireland.

I am delighted to have met another fishing buddy who is as keen as me and is always up for an adventure. When Ciaran rang to say we would be doing an approximate distance of an eight kilometer round trip the next day, I was more than eager to try this new spot. This is where our Hobie Kayaks really come into their own and allow us to travel distances to find new fishing grounds. Ciaran owns a Hobie Pro Angler 14 and I was on my Hobie Revolution 16. Both our kayaks are fitted with the Turbo fins for the mirage drive system and this really does help with keeping up a good pace when heading out to the fishing spots.

With a plan set for the nest morning and a car loaded up I met up with Ciaran the next morning where we rigged up and quickly got out on the water to start the trek out to the mark. We were about half way out when we spotted a large amount of birds working on the surface and then a good number of Dolphins chasing bait fish. Soon we were upon them and they came right towards us and as if they wanted to see what these contraptions peddling around the place.


A flat calm sea was on the forecast which was perfect for our day out on the water. I rigged up two rods with Tope Traces which consisted of both multipliers spooled with 30lb Daiwa J-Braid . The rigs were simple single hook running ledger rigs with a small length of nylon coated wired to stop the Tope from biting through the trace. My hook pattern for the Tope was a Cox and Rawle 8/0 Meat Hook as there was certainly going to be some bigger Tope out here and it makes unhooking them a little easier but most importantly allows me to rig a large bait and still keep my finesse with bait presentation. Weights were dependent on the stage of the tide and even when out nearly 4km the tide still pushes hard. My rigs are tied with 50lb mono and my nylon coated wire is tied direct to the mono trace line which takes away the necessity of using crimps. A simple setup really and at the end of the day it is a bit of sport and making sure the fish swims away good and strong.


So we anchored up when we reached out preferred spot and it was not long before my mackeral bait was picked up with a surging run. I was quickly on to a Tope and a it felt like a decent fish with good solid runs as it stayed deep. After a good fight a decent Tope came to the surface and with some help from Ciaran we got a couple of photos and sent the Tope away back down to carry on with his business.



Ciaran was next up with a run from a Tope and he was soon fighting the fish from the depths and with a decent tidal run it really helps to the Topes advantage. After a few minutes Ciaran had his Tope across his lap to get a few photos before removing the hook and releasing the Tope back to the bay.

Ciaran Tope

Ciaran Tope Mouth

Ciaran Tope 2

Connecting back up to my anchor after taking some photos for Ciaran, I baited up with a full Mackeral with the head and tail removed. With there being a number of Dogfish in the area and knowing that the Tope will come up in the water column to take a bait, I was fishing approximately close to 5ft from the bottom which kept the bait away from the ravenous dogfish. It was not long before my rod doubled over and the sl20 starting singing. I lifted the rod out of my Scotty rod holders and lifted easy into the fish. I was definitely on to a good Tope as it kept running. Soon I was making up line on it and with the water clarity so good I could see the fish coming up from the depths and I was definatly into my best Tope. Getting the Tope to the surface I was able to get it onto my lap and Ciaran came over to take some photos. I was delighted with the size and I am not into estimating the weight of a fish nore am I interested in it either. For me its about my own personal experience and what the day and fish means for me.

Tope 4

Tope 5

Tope 3

Tope 2

Ciaran had another Tope and with that we decided we would make the trek back in. The Hobie Kayaks soon made it back to the shore in no time and with ease. I really think that these Hobie kayaks open new doors to areas that can be fished off the kayak. Another Tope session done and a brilliant result and a mark that I am sure to visit again.

Until Next Time,

Tight Lines.