Photo Archive

This page includes photos from previous sessions out on the water or anything that interests me. By clicking on the title of the album you will be redirected to that particular days blog entry. Alternatively just click on the image and scroll through them.

Tag a Ray weekend

Spurdog Time

Piking Session

Cork Harbour Codling

IKA Cork Meet 2016

Pike in West Cork

Stingray session

Bass and Golden Grey

Tope Fun

Plaice Fishing

Ray and Flatties

First Pike off the Hobie Revo 16

A Winters Day Out

Brown Trout and Rainbow Trout

West Cove Pier

Garfish in the Bay

Bass on Live Sandeels

A Few Ray

Irish Kayak Fishing Open 2015

Derrynane Meet – Irish Kayak Angling

Kayaking for Carp

Mixed Bag fishing local in the West

Smooth Hound of Cahore

Out after some Ray

Fishing with a friend

Kerry Magic

Landing a Few Ray

Mixed Bag of Fish

First Gilthead Bream for 2015

Catching Spurdog

Pollock on Soft Plastics

Estuary Flounder

Pike on the Fly

Out on the Huss

Lough Currane

Out Fishing Again 

Winter Bullhuss Fishing

Salmon and Sea Trout

Deep Water Fishing 

Bullhuss Fishing

Thornback Ray Fishing

Mixed Ground Fishing

Bass and Flounder

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