Getting into the Bass from the Shore

It is great to pick up my light surf rod and recall all the great fishing memories I had with it. Since getting into kayak angling my surf rod has been gathering a little dust and it was about time I got out there and made some more good memories.

WP_20150927_14_33_47_ProShore fishing was always my preferred fishing style. Be it spinning, ledgering baits for bass and targeting everything I could, I was out most days around my local marks targeting fish from the shore. Having all the knowledge of bait collecting, locations and tactics have been great to use in aiding my kayak fishing but getting back to my roots is always a great feeling.

My father and I did not have much time over the weekend to get the kayaks out and with a South Easterly wind blowing we were not to bothered about getting out there on the yaks. We always found South Easterly winds to be somewhat of a curse wind and the fishing never seems to be that good. But this is down to personal preference. So with no kayaks on the water we decided to hit the beach with a bucket full of live sandeels collected the day previous. If it is Bass I am after and this time of year, a live Sandeel is a very hard bait to beat.


Tides for the weekend were large and this meant we would fish the incoming tide at the inlet of a tidal bay. Rigs were kept simple and just like off the kayak I opted for the single hook ledger rig with a 3 oz weight which allowed the sandeel to bounce across the surf. I like my live Sandeel bait moving as the disturbance I find brings the Bass in for a look and when they come across the twitching Live Sandeel it is hard for them to resist. Hook size is dependent on the size of the Sandeels we had and in this days fish our eels were slightly larger so a 4/0 hook was used.

WP_20150927_14_50_58_ProAs the tide started to push in we fished the mouth of the bay where the Bass would most definitely be coming up to devour the hoards of Sandeel shoals moving up with the tide. Confidence high, we both waited patiently for a take.

I kept in contact with the weight as I felt it bounce around with the surf and tide when suddenly I was left with a slack line take as something picked up my Sandeel and came towards me. I tightened up set the hook and was greeted by a solid resistance and short run. A bass was definitely one. It was great to feel the bend in my Penn Extreme Light Beach Rod, coupled with my old faithful Daiwa SL20. This reel has landed some amount of fish. I cannot speak highly enough for this reel. As I eased the Bass towards the shore I waited for a wave to bring it up the beach. A lovely Bass lay on the sand, it’s belly absolutely packed with what must be assumed to be Sandeels.


It was great to be able to get back to my roots and bring back that excitement of my youth. Getting the Sandeels, heading down to the surf and casting out. A great short session. Although my dad did not get into one we both know that the big ones are yet to come. So that was our couple of hours passing the time by, landing a lovely bass and just fishing together.


Well, maybe the kayaks might be on the roof of the car for our next outing. The new Hobie is on the way so I am counting down the days.

Until Next Time,

Tight Lines.

Joining the Hobie Team

Lately my fishing activity has been very minimal and in fact pretty dismal due to work and organizing commitments for a trip that is fast approaching. A couple of weeks ago I received an email from Hobie Kayaks expressing their interest in what I do and informed me they had been looking over this blog and were impressed with what they have seen. This is where things got a little hectic….


From that email I was asked if I would like to be part of the Hobie Team. This meant that my current kayak would be a thing of the past and I would be able to make my choice of a brand new Hobie Kayak. The choices are endless ,models, colours, fins, lengths, extras and so on. I am delighted to announce that I have accepted a position on the Hobie Team and have also chosen my new fishing machine that I will be aboard in the near future.

I wanted a kayak that I could go further, go faster and be very comfortable while not having to sacrifice on having a lot of additional weight. My fishing is predominantly in the sea and I like to travel and wanted a kayak that would be able to deal with any changes in the weather and get me home quick when the wind came up. Hobie’s mirage drive system is ingenious. The speed these kayaks get is remarkable and with the new bearing system employed, the ease of peddling has increased taking strain of the angler – brilliant!

The kayak I chose would have to have some storage facilities and waterproof hatches. Taking into account of the things I would need to make my fishing as enjoyable and comfortable I finally decided on a fishing kayak that fulfilled everything I needed. I chose the Hobie Mirage – Revolution 16.

Hobie Revo 16

When I get to have the boat in my hands and take it for a good expedition I will be able to discuss everything about this but for anyone that wants information about it then head over to the Hobie website where all the specifications ,and details can be seen. So that is one of the announcements but the second one has me excited beyond words…

Not only was I asked to join the Hobie Team, I was then asked if I would like to take part in the Hobie Fishing Worlds 5 to be held in Shang Lake, China. I had to take a step backwards for a second and read that again, China… I read that there were qualifying rounds across the globe for this competition and here I was being asked to take part in this amazing event that will be home for a week to the worlds best kayak anglers. This would be an honor. I gratefully accepted the offer. Here is a video of the event to be held…breathtaking

This is a great opportunity and an amazing trip. A week in a 5 star hotel, navigation day trading, pre fish days, three days of competitions, event dinners, the list goes on. To say that I am excited is an understatement. It is not everyday the largest Kayak firm contacts you and puts you on the spot like this. I am taking this opportunity and hopefully going to have the experience of a life time.

Hobie Worlds Invitation

So I think that with the little fishing I have been doing of late I have a valid excuse. I am getting lures ready, sorting out travel arrangements, and basically trying to get everything in place for this trip. It has been a pretty exciting few weeks and are only going to get more exciting as the days progress closer to the arrival of my new kayak and the trip of a life time.

I will be keeping up to date posts for the event so everyone can see what is happening over there and also keeping posts going on the build up to the event. Right now though I have a bucket full of live Sandeels and a sea that is filled with bass waiting to be caught.

Until next time,

Tight Lines.