Fish of the Month January 2015

While the weather has not been great these last couple of days I was delighted to hear and see that my Kelt Seatrout was voted the fish of the month for January 2015 on the Irish Kayak Angling Forum. While this was only a kelt fish caught fishing for spring Salmon, I wait patiently till my rod bends over into a fresh fish. Fingers crossed.

Irish kayak angling logo

I must thank Southside Angling in Dublin for sponsoring the prize. The link to their website in in the Links page.

Holding Silver Kelt

Here is a link to that days fishing.

Fishing Report 07-02-2015

Plans had been made to go out after some Bullhuss. A couple of friends of mine were interested in hitting the mark I fish for them so I was more then happy to join them on the day out. It actually turned into two days but the second day I will post separately as it was a different location. Back to the Bullhuss.

James, Karl and myself met up at the local fishing store. Check out the links page for info on the shop. After a chat with Kevin Brain, the owner, and picking up some bait, we were then on the way to the mark to hopefully get into some Bullhuss. Another friend of mine, Pat, was due to meet us down at the mark.

I am a firm believer in having fresh bait. So this was my top priority. I find it gives me a better feeling of confidence. I anchored up in the channel. The downside to this day was that the tide was running out and was due to be low in the afternoon. This was not great as fishing was going to take place in water that was not moving. This is not the best conditions for this mark as the Bullhuss I have found will feed when the tide is running.

Watching the Rods

I used two rods with single ledger rigs on them for the Bullhuss and baited them up with some of the frozen Mackeral purchased in the morning. Both rigs used Cox and Rawle Chinu 2/0 hooks. I would often use a 4/0 hook instead but with the slack water conditions I opted for the smaller hook. I bought along a light spinning rod to catch some bait. On this rod I rigged up some small Sabiki Feathers which I baited with small strips.

Baited Feathers

It was very apparent that the tide was going to have to start pushing in before any real action on the rods was going to be had. The Bullhuss rods were being plagued by Dogfish during the slack water. Finally I got a whiting to use for bait. I rigged it up live and hoped for the best. It was not long before I had a take but it turned out to be the ever present Dogfish. One of those days.

Live Bait

I was getting more action on the baited feathers and I had a few tiny Grey Gurnard. I love these fish. They are so inquisitive when caught on the underwater camera. I find they almost seem to smile at you. Maybe the lack of Bullhuss was messing with my mind but never the less I fished on.

Grey Gurnard in Hand 2    Smiling Grey Gurnard Face

I headed into shallow water to see was anything lurking about there but nothing showed. The wind dropped completely at low tide and the sun was shining. What more could I ask for in February.

Lovely Weather

Finally the Tide started to push in. Pat had a number of Bullhuss as did James. I paddled back out to the channel and anchored up again. It was not long before I joined in the action with a small Bullhuss but I was glad to see the guys get their target species. On a side note, Pat got some Mackeral. I am still surprised to see them at this mark at this time of the year.

Fighting Bullhuss 2

Holding Huss Front

A great way to end the days fishing. Really good weather, good company and some fish. It was a pity about the tide phase but it goes in the notebook so plans can be made around the tides for this mark the next time.

Paddle In

Until next time,

Tight Lines.


Out Early on Lough Currane

My father was yet to land his first fish on Lough Currane this year so we decided, after checking the weather, that we would head out and troll early in the morning. I was woken up at 6am with a cup of coffee to get the morning going. The kayaks were not loaded the night before so we had to do that first. We needed some water to get the ice off the roof of the car as it was obviously a bitter cold night previous. Battling through the cold hands we arrived at the banks of the lough. We could tell it was pretty cold when my father had to scrape the ice from the kayak before fitting his seat!

Dad Scraping Ice from seat

Not a breath of wind but very cold. We were soon on the water trolling the shallow running hard baits once again. By the look of the lake we should have gone for the sea but its always good to be fishing no matter where. The lough was like a mirror, reflecting the snow capped mountains. It is always nice to paddle in such calm conditions. I can really feel the kayak moving through the water.

Morning Paddle Out


It was not long before I had my first take. The rod bent around and I was in. Straight away I knew it was a kelt as there was not much of a fight out of him till he jumped and made a run when he got next to the kayak. I quickly removed the lure, got a photo and sent him back. I was happy, but still that fresh fish is eluding me. I feel it is only a matter of time.

Kelt Salmon Jump

Kelt SalmonAnd away he goes back…

Kelt salmon Release 2

Trolling around for a while longer, the sun started to show and thankfully started giving some heat to the hands. I met up with my father and we decided that as things were a little slow we would paddle the whole perimeter of Lough Currane to see what spots were there that we have not tried. Maybe we would be lucky enough to get a fresh fish. The lough was so calm and with the sun, it was the perfect opportunity for it.


It was then my father got into a fish. It was not a fresh fish but he was off the mark with regards to landing a fish on the lough. he landed the fish which turned out to be a kelt Seatrout. A lovely looking fish and an added bonus to the conditions. We got a quick few photos and he put the Seatrout back.

Dad SeatroutAway he swims..

Dad seatrout Release 2

We then continued on the paddle around the lough. I managed another Brown Trout which I released. We stopped to stretch our legs. The scenery of this place is just breath taking. We paddled the whole way around just taking in what we were seeing on such a beautiful day. Fish or no fish, just being out and taking all that in is enough to put a smile on my face.

Kayak Side Shot

Dad Paddling View

Hopefully that fresh fish is waiting there for me. But we really enjoyed paddling today. For once it was not just about the fishing. I think from now on I will be taking a few minutes to just breath and take in my surroundings in these places that are so special.

Until next time,

Tight lines.