Spurdog time again!

At least once a year I try to make my way over to the general vicinity of Kenmare Bay to tackle some Spurdogs. This seems to be annual outing that me and a couple of friends do at this time of year as the sea fishing is still a little slow at this time. So with me Hobie packed and all my bits and pieces it was over to Scones house to collect him and head down to Kenmare. I have to say I don’t think that I have had him out of bed so early before but he was up and rearing to go. The plan was to meet Pat down at the spot and have a day out trying our luck with the Spurs.

Coffee and snacks picked up from the shop we met Pat down at the launch Spot. The weather was doing exactly as what was predicted and we were delighted to feel a warm sun and flat calm conditions. After setting up we headed out and I had my new Hobie AMA kit which was an amazing addition to my kayak and I was standing up and trying hard to tip the kayak to no avail. What a difference and it should really enhance my fishing.

Rods I bought with included a new Daiwa Saltist 12-20lb rated rod. It is so light and a brilliant piece of kit. A little heavy for the Spurdogs but I was eager to try it out before getting into some bigger fish. This was coupled with my trusted Daiwa sl20sh which is now pushing on to its 14th year of service. If that doesn’t scream quality I don’t know what will. I also bought along a Daiwa Specialist Light Lure Rod with the Daiwa Saltist Spinning 3000 model. Both reels were spooled up with J-Braid.

Traces are kept very simple with a simple running hook ledger with enough weight used to hold bottom in the tide. The hook of choice is my go to hook, the Cox and Rawle Uptide Extra in 4/0 size. I use a short length of light nylon coated wire and don’t use any crimps but use a knotless knot on the hook and two figure 8 knots against each other joining the wire to the 30lb trace line. A single glow bead adds a little something to the trace and a sliding boom hold my weight. Simple and effective.

I guess rather than talking about all the Spurdogs we caught on the day, I think the video outlines the day much better. We had numerous Spurdogs and Scone and myself had two really good sized fish. We had fish all day and Pat was delighted to get one as well. Another successful outing and a really enjoyable day out. Hope you like the video.

Until next time,

Tight Lines.