
It all stared at a very young age by tagging along with my father on his fishing outings. I remember the excitement of knowing that I was going with him fishing and getting my things ready a day in advance with great anticipation for the day that was to come. I remember I was hooked on fishing from the first time I was taken and was tying my own knots, baiting up, casting and fighting fish all on my own within a short time of taking it up with all thanks to the guidance of my father that has fished his whole life as well.

I spent a part of my childhood fishing the warm waters of South Africa and gained very good experience with hard fighting tropical fish that put me through my paces but gave me the chance to get to grips fast with handling big fish. At the age 11 I competed in a series of events to become part of my Inter Provincial fishing team. I qualified and was made one of the Junior Kwa-Zulu Natal Light Tackle Boat Angling Team and the youngest member to be part of this team.  This type of angling only permitted the use of 4kg IGFA class rated main line. There were two series, freshwater and saltwater. I fished in the South African National Freshwater Championships in the Vaal Dam over a week and our team finished in second position. At this event on one of the practice days I broke the Kwa-Zulu Natal record for a Sharptooth Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) caught on IGFA rated 4KG test line. The fish weighed in at 18.56kg and was just short of the South African Junior Record.

                           Trophy         Catfish

Today I reside in Ireland and have learnt the ropes fishing here from good friends and hard work trying different methods. Every chance that presents itself to get a line in the water is taken. Be it from the shore, in a boat, kayak, fresh or saltwater. This site has been set up to follow some of my personal experiences and good friend’s topics on all relating to this great sport.

Head over to  Contact Me if you would like to get in touch.