Bad Weather but Still Catching

With the weather this month in December it has been near impossible to launch my kayak. If there was an opportunity it would not have been worth it in my opinion with the amount of rainfall that we have had this month. The water inshore is very coloured and the swells that are present are large and make launching a challenge in itself. So with that being the case and safety a number one priority for me I decided to at least go for a cast from the shore and see if I could get a bass or anything else that would be willing to take a bait.

A friend of mine gave me a call to get my gear ready and that we would head down to a local beachTravelling Light mark to give the Bass a go. When fishing from the shore I like to travel light and take only what I need and will be using. This has the advantage of allowing me to be on the move easily and find the fish rather than waiting. The wind and rain had died off slightly but the swell was very large still and arriving down at the mark this became quickly apparent by large waves smashing on the sand banks which are located a bit out. In front of these banks the water tends to fill deeper holes which the Bass would come into and feed but we encounted another problem caused by the large surf. The amount of water being pushed in by the large surf was causing a very fast cross flowing current in front of us and no matter what weight was used the water power was just to strong and, well, this ultimately meant that not much would be caught in that water. So we made a decision to give a more sheltered spot a try.

I was fishing with my trusted light surf rod coupled with my favorite reel, my Daiwa SL20sh. I have lost count of what age this reel is of mine but it just keeps on bringing in fish. The spot we decided upon consisted of a pier that was out of the water during low tide but the area filled up during the high and fish moved in with the rising tide. On arrival the water was high already so a quick change of trace was in order and I opted for a simple double hook trace with two Cox and Rawle Uptide Extra 1/0 hooks. There was no need for the grip lead here as there was no surge of water to deal with. Three ounces was all that I required and baited both hooks with some razor fish and bound it up with some plain and simple bait elastic as all the scent needed came from the bait. We all casted out and waited for some interest.

Daiwa SL20

My first sign of a fish came in the form of a little Coalfish but to be honest I was happy to be holding a fish in my hands after not being fishing for a while. I quickly slipped it back in while the other guys bought in some Dogfish. We had to deal with a couple of rain showers but it was still very mild for this time of year and was pleasant enough. I decided to have a cat in the shallower water and hopefully pick up a Flatfish.

Double Hook Trace

My rod buckled over and I was into something a little more decent and it even took line. I knew it was a Bass by the way it fought and when getting it up next to the Pier and our headlamps shone down we saw the silver body of an average Bass. I eased it to the shallows where I landed it. I was surprised at the fight this Bass put up for its size but I was not complaining at all. After some photos we carried on fishing for a while longer hoping the Bass was not alone but there were no more to be caught.

bass 19-12-2015

It was great to get a cast out and get a bend in the rod in amongst this time of unsettled weather and persistent rainfall. I am hoping that after Christmas that there may be some settled weather so that the Hobie may be put to its paces and start catching some fish. So that was it, Razorfish and a simple double hook trace and a result of a Bass. Simplicity.

Until next time,

Tight Lines.


Hobie Revolution 16 – At First Glance

It has finally arrived and as luck would have it, I was not there to greet my new kayak due to being away fishing the Hobie Worlds in China. But on arrival back home I was soon over to Bantrbantry-logoy Bay Canoes to get acquainted with what would be my fishing partner from now on. I had waited patiently for my Hobie Revolution 16, eager to make the transition from paddling to pedal power. The Hobie Worlds was a great way to familiarise myself with Hobie’s Mirage Pedal Drive System and the general control of the kayak on the water. Although we were using Pro Angler 14’s, it still opened my eyes to the benefits of using pedals over paddling.

I chose to go with the Revolution 16 due to my style of fishing. I like to fish the open sea  and also large freshwater lakes therefore I wanted something that would be fast and cut through the water while still maintaining comfort and practicality with regards to fishing. The Hobie Revolution ticked all the boxes on paper and having a look at it on the shop floor of Bantry Bay Canoes I was very pleased with my choice.


Looking down the nose of the kayak it is clear that it will seperate the water rather than punch through. This should help maintain the speed and make for a smoother ride. Of course I will only see this when I get the chance to finally get on the water with it but it looks good. Quality fittings are used all round the kayak and stainless steel screws are a must when in the saltwater.


I chose the Ivory Dune colour as it is a little different to the colors of kayaks one might see around Ireland. Not only this, I like the colour too.  There is a large hatch that opens up into the main hull at the front. The hatch cover is held closed by bungee and looks to be very water tight.


There are some nice features around the seating area in the form of meshed pockets which are always handy for holding items when out on the water. There is a round hatch going into the main hull just in front of the seating position which also houses a tackle box that comes standard with the kayak, What is nice about this round hatch cover is that it is not a screw off type but rather it has a twist latch and opens up on a hinge.



I guess the main thing that caught my eye with the Hobie Revolution 16 was the seat and the seating position. First off the seat is raised off the deck of the kayak meaning no water to cause any irritation when fishing. Not only this but Hobie have incorporated a pull cord scupper drain plug underneath the seat. If water was to splash in under the seat and into the well, a quick release of the plug and the water drains out. Such a small thing but what a great idea. The seat itself is the Vantage CT. It can be adjusted in a variety of ways which I am still to get familiar with. The seat can be completely removed from the kayak and has fold out legs to give you a seat when off the water. Once again, a small feature with a big benefit. The seat is not a metal frame so corrosion will not be any issue. I will only get the real feeling of this seat when I get out on the water and I cannot wait.




Behind the seat is a large rear well which has ample space to store a crate or one of Hobie’s additional items that can be purchased. Beyond this is the rudder system that comes rigged and standard on the Hobie Revolution 16. Operation of the rudder system is done by hand via the rudder control next to the seat on the left hand side. The rudder may also be raised and lowered via a pulley just infront of the seating position. The rudder moves with ease via the hand control. I will be able to comment further on this when I get to do a water test.




Finally I came to the Mirage Pedal System that makes the Hobie so unique. The Mirage Drive system allows hands free fishing and the use of the leg muscles instead of the arms. The pedals can be easily adjusted to suit the length of the legs making it more comfortable. On the new models the ST fin is used and this new fin has a larger surface area while still keeping a low friction pedal. The Mirage system has also been updated and now incorporates roller bearings to reduce friction and making it even easier to kick.  The system fits through the hull in front of the seating position and locks into place. It can be easily removed when launching and coming back in. Hobie have also included a blanking piece that locks into place over the Mirage system slot on the kayak. This essentially blocks the gap for the pedal system when it is not in use and stops items falling through or water slashing up. Not to forget, but the Hobie Revolution is supplied with a paddle as well. I look forward to seeing how the kayak will paddle without the Mirage Pedal system.






So thats a quick first glance at my new kayak and hopefully I can get out soon to give it a real test on the water. To be honest I am confident that it will not disappoint. All the features of the kayak feel like quality. I can not wait to see what average speed I will be able to achieve and also how much stability I will actually have. From having a look over the Hobie Revolution 16 I am please with my purchase and lets hope that I get some great fishing on it. The actual specification of the Hobie Revolution 16 are as follows:

Crew: 1
Length: 16′ / 4.88 m
Width: 27.5″ / .7 m
Capacity: 350 lbs / 159 kg
Fitted Hull Weight: 75.5 lbs / 34 kg
Fully Rigged Weight: 92 lbs / 42 kg
Hull Construction: Rotomolded Polyethylene


Until Next Time,

Tight Lines.