Out Local for a Quick Session

With my recent weekends being taken up with kayak fishing meets and competitions I was due a trip out with no pressure but only the silence and solitude one gets with the sport of kayak angling. This is why I took it up in the first place and fishing for the fun of it is really my key ingredient which gets me excited about fishing. I am blessed to stay in an area that has the open ocean only a couple of minutes away so packing the car and getting fishing is only minutes away. The weather was perfect, overcast and a slight breeze to keep the kayak moving on the drift. I decided that I would fish one of my favorite local marks that is stuffed full of Ray and Flatfish but also throws in some variety. It was just after lunch time that I decided to head out and arriving down at the water I was glad I chose to go fishing.

The water was like a mirror with not a breath of wind between the light showers throughout the day. I could see the Gannets diving on bait fish just behind the edges of where the rough ground ends. I rigged up the kayak with the essentials, set up three rods and headed out. I bought along some frozen bait which I had caught from previous outings just in case the fresh bait would be scarce which proved true in the Mackeral department. Two rods were rigged up for ray and I have been using a double hook trace for drifting that has been the success in my recent meets and seems to get most of the fish when I am drifting. So with one rigged up with this, I rigged the other with my old faithful single hook ledger. I kept the weights down to 2oz as there was not much wind and the drift would be relatively slow. Hopefully the images below show clearly enough the rigs I was using. On a side note, I was trying out the Cox and Rawle – Kayak Bass Rig which is one of the new additions bought out by Cox and Rawle. I never really use ready made rigs but today I did and cannot speak highly enough of the quality in the rig.

Double hook trace

Kayak Bass Rig

While paddling out I came across some shoals of baitfish on the fishfinder but they would not take at all so I opted to start drifting in 32ft of water with some of the frozen Mackeral I had bought out with me. It could not have been five minutes before the one rod bent over as a definite Ray made off with the bait. After putting a smile on my face I saw my fist Spotted Ray from this mark break the surface. They have the most amazing markings. This was quickly followed by another two in quick succession. From never having them from this mark to three in row was a pleasant surprise and they all fell to the double hook trace.Spotted Ray 1

Sotted Ray 2

Releasing Spotted Ray 2

Spotted Ray 3

Continuing on with the drift I saw more ,baitfish on the screen of the fishfinder and went down in size with the feathers I was using. a couple of twitches at the depth where the bait was showing and up came lovely small scad which I threw in my livewell for bait. I put one on the single hook ledger and watched as within minutes the rod bent over and I was into another Ray. A Thornback this time. While fighting that Thornback the other rod went and I set the hook and need up with two on the kayak.

Live Scad

Thornback fight

Double Thornbacks

After releasing the two Ray I moved position to start another drift. The same thing again, another Ray on within a couple of minutes. This spot is jammed full Ray and makes a great spot to have some fun. Every drop was a Ray and although they were not monsters it was great to be out and just enjoying it.

Thornback 1

In between a few rays I had some Dab which were taking the Ray sized baits. Another Spotted Ray showed up followed by yet another Thornback Ray.

Tiny Spotted Ray

Thornback 4

This is what fishing is all about for me. Being out there and taking in the surroundings and catching fish is just the bonus. I think I will be scheduling in a few more days like this and with a bit of luck I might add some good fish too.

Until next time.

Tight Lines


Kayaking for Carp

Last year I scheduled in two days of trying to entice a Carp onto the end of my line. On both occasions the crafty Carp eluded me while sucking up all the free offerings I fed my area with. Very frustrated I left them behind and vowed I would have another go at them – but next time I would get one. So I decided to head back and target a Carp off the Kayak. This time I had a game plan in action and after some information regarding the baits and rigs to be used on the lake, I was soon on the road making the journey to the chosen venue.

Carp waters that allow kayaks on are few and far between, so having contacts within the venue of choice is a great help. I have tried and failed with attempts of getting permission to fish certain Carp waters. This venue is not deep at all and the Carp can be seen sunning themselves and hiding out around the weed beds. It is extremely exciting to watch them cruise around the shallows coming within inches of the bait. Frustrating at most times but rewarding when one is hooked.

Paddle out day 1

I arrived at the location just after lunch time on the first day and without hesitation I was at the side of the lake taking a walk around to choose where to fish. I could see some decent Carp patrolling in the shallows so this was going to be my main focus in the sunshine. I baited a deeper swim as a back up but it seemed most of the action was happening in the center of the lake. I unloaded my kayak and took as little with me as possible. Just rods, cameras and bait were loaded up.

This lake fishes very well on luncheon meat. Cutting it into 10mm cubes was the bait of choice. I had pellets to feed which were fed in one or two handfuls every so often to get the Carp feeding confidently. One of the mistakes I made on the first day was that I did not have much experience with Hair Rigs. I was using a light ledger rig with a size 10 hook and just hooking the luncheon meat on. This turned out to be the downfall of my days fishing.

Day 1 in reeds

I got into position by paddling into the rushes to keep the kayak still. I was in such a position to allow me to watch the Carp patrolling across me. They would take the same patrolling routes and it was only a matter of having the bait in front of them as they came passed. I put a handful of pellets and a couple pieces of luncheon meat out as feed and could see it sitting on the bottom. It did not take long till a carp moved in on the feed and stirred the bottom up as it hoovered up the freebies. I waited and then put my bait in while not spooking it. The Carp was a good size and I watched with my heart in my mouth as he moved towards my bait. Something distracted me and my eyes shifted away from my bait when the reel started peeling line and the shallow water erupted as the Carp made an attempt to get free. In the split seconds this all happened it was over as I lifted the rod to feel nothing…..

What could be wrong that I would miss a take like that. This happened a total of five times this afternoon before the light faded and I had to pack up my gear. When out the water I chatted with the local lads and it was concluded that my baiting up was the issue and I was given a braided hair rig to try. I was disappointed that I had missed so many good fish and wondered was that going to be my only chance. I fished a swim that night with a friend of mine and landed a small Carp and Bream off the bank. I did not get much sleep that night due to the thoughts of the Cap I had missed and how I was going to get them.

Rigging up day 2

The next morning came with an overcast sky. I felt confident when arriving at the lake. I walked around the lake once again and noticed the Carp were not that active out in the shallows of the lake. Taking this into account I baited two deeper swims around the edge of the lake and headed back to set up my kayak. This morning I opted to float fish these swims. I used a size 10 hook and smaller pieces of luncheon meat. With the kayak set up and ready I paddled over to the first swim I baited up and tucked into the weeds. I noticed immediately there were feeding fish in the swim as there were fizzing bubbles and moving weeds around the bait. I quickly baited up and made sure the length of the trace ensured that my bait was just on the bottom. I kept a constant watch on the float waiting for it to disappear under the waters surface. Ten minutes went by and then the float slipped under the surface and I set the hook. The fish took off straight towards the weeds and then across the swim. As I got it closer to me I saw it was a small Carp. After a good fight the net was edged underneath the Mirror Carp and it was lifted on to my lap. Success at last. Not the big ones that patrol the shallows but a Carp all the same.

Netting Carp 1

Holding Carp 1

Carp 1 face

After releasing the Carp I moved over to the second swim I had baited up as the first Carp disturbed the area so I let it settle again. On arriving at the second swim I once again saw a lot of activity. Bubbling and moving water as the fish fed. I cast the luncheon meat into position and within a minute it was under the water as fish took off with the bait. Another great little fight on the float rod and a small Common Carp was landed again. Quickly unhooking the fish I released it and got my bait in position again.

Luncheon meat day 2

The float once again disappeared and I was in again, this time a better fish. It went all over the swim, into weed beds and into the shallows. I was only fishing 6lb line so there was not much I could do but play him. I netted the Carp which was approximately 4 or 5lb. Once again not a monster but a better fish. I got some photos and watched as the Carp swam off. I caught a small Rudd too. Probably the smallest Rudd I have ever caught. At home that evening I went to check my footage from the day. I was not too happy to see that my camera facing me did not get the photos of the third Carp and I only had a glimpse of it from the rear camera. Oh well, fishing and using a camera.

Fighting bigger carp

Bigger Carp in net

Holding Bigger Carp

So that was my carp fishing trip. I finished early the second day, before lunch time. I packed up and made my way home. Happy that I had accomplished landing a Carp off the kayak. A new experience and one that is rated up with some of the more exciting ones. I am sure to try again some time.

Until next time,

Tight Lines.



Mixed Bag in the West

This weather of late has not been doing Kayak Fishing any favors. Wind seems to be on the forecast for most days but Sunday was a break in the horrible weather that allowed the kayaks to hit the local deep water mark. Sunshine was the order of the day and a slight westerly breeze creating a gentle ripple on the Atlantic swells was present. My Father and I got ready in the morning to target anything that was willing to take a bait. It has been a while since he has been out so he was more than eager to wet a line.

Paddle Out

IMAG0204Getting out to water that was in the region of 120ft and comprised of a rough bottom, there are a variety of species that can turn up at this mark. So rigs were kept simple and a double hook trace was used with two Cox and Rawle – Long Range Worm Hooks in size 1. Although these hooks are predominantly intended for the surf fisherman, they make an ideal hook for the kayak in the way they make great Mackeral strip bait presentation. We bought out with us a few frozen Mackeral in case there was not fresh bait to be got but as soon as we made our way through the channel my dad was into some lively fresh Mackeral – bait sorted.

We then made our way to the deep water where we started our drift across the rough ground. Dad was immediately into a Cuckoo Wrasse. I was drifting with bigger baits hoping to see was anything of size around. Next up was an Octopuss for my father. This place is jammed with this creatures and they always are entwining when bringing them onto the kayak. I carried on drifting and got into a small Ling which was followed up by a Cuckoo Wrasse.

Holding LingHolding Cuckoo Wrasse

By now my dad had paddled over to the cliffs where he informed me that he was into a large Conger Eel. I asked him if he got a photo and his response was somewhere along the lines of “I am not bringing that thing on board”. Oh well. I on the other hand was still on my drift and came up with my own Octopuss. Its amazing how difficult it is to get them off the kayak when they are sucking onto the plastic of the hull. I got a few photos of the little guy and watched him shoot back down to the depths.

Holding OctopussFollowing this was a couple of tiny Poor Cod and a Pouting. I then headed into the shallower water around the inside of the island. There is a mixture of sandy and rough ground bottom. I drifted first over the rough area to see what would pick up a full side of Mackeral fillet.

Holding Pouting

The rod bent over and I was onto a decent fish. It must be a good fish to have taken the Mackeral fillet. I was surprised to see a hefty Ballan Wrasse hit the surface. I caught this Wrasse on a 4/0 Cox and Rawle – Uptide Extra hook tied on a Single hook ledger rig. I got a few pictures of this lovely Wrasse and watched as he made his way back down.

Holding Ballan Wrasse

Ballan Wrasse Mouth

Drifting once again and the rod with the whole side of Mackeral doubled over again and after a couple of runs to get back into the rocky bottom a fine sized Pollock greeted me. What a fight these fish have in them and are always a pleasure to catch. It is almost a case of setting the hook and holding on.

Holding Pollock

So we ended our day with a handful of species between us. Another great day out local. The weather made it a pleasure to be out there and the fish are always an added bonus. I hope that the weather eases so that I can get more fishing in.

Until next time,

Tight Lines.


Fishing the East Coast

Another weekend meet was organized by the Irish Kayak Angling Club which was to be held in Cahore, Co. Wexford. I have never fished up this side of the country so it was a new experience to me. I Irish kayak angling logodid some research online as to some of the species that may be caught and one that I had a particular interest in was the Smooth Hound. I have never targeted these fish so I was excited to hear from the guys on the site that they can be plentiful in the area. Bait for these members of the shark family seemed to be predominantly Peeler Crab although I had read articles of them being caught on other baits but being the first time I would be targeting them I stuck with the tried and tested Peeler Crab. My good friend Dave came to the rescue and sorted me out with the Peeler Crab as collecting them was not an option.

I had arranged to meet Pat Gill at his house on Friday and I would follow him up to Cahore. We were soon on the road and heading up to this new area for me. Our first stop was to Court Town Angling to collect our species cards and also bag up on the owners local knowledge. For a relatively small shop there was no shortage of gear and the owner was only glad to pass on his knowledge. Filled with enthusiasm we made our way to put home for the weekend. Pat and myself decided to head out for an hour before it got dark as we were both eager to see what was knocking about. kayaks loaded we were on the water in no time. there was a slight chop on the water but nothing to severe.

Paddle outThe rig of choice for the Smooth Hounds I used my tried and tested single hook ledger rig which I used for the whole weekend with a 3oz weight. The trace line was 20b fluorocarbon coupled by a 3/0 Cox and Rawle Uptide Extra hook. It seems there is nothing really that these hooks cannot target and I am a true fan. Baiting up one rod with a Peeler Crab and the other with a Rag Worm, they were both sent out. Within a minute or so there was some action on the rod baited with the Rag Worm. Striking into the fish I knew what was on the end – a Dogfish. They were plentiful and any other bait besides the peeler crab was immediately devoured by them. So both rods were then baited with Peeler Crabs which gave me some time away from the pesky dogs.

Baiting up

After a while my one rod got a decent take and setting the hook I knew this was something different. The fish was taking line and giving a solid account of itself. It must be a Smooth Hound. After a minute or so I got my first glimpse of my first ever Smooth Hound. I was delighted to see that they are plentiful and that I got one on my first attempt. I lifted it into the kayak and got a couple of photos. They are amazing looking fish and a pleasure to handle. I let it go and realized that I hadn’t taken a photo on my species hunt card. Oh well, I would have to catch another one.

Smooth hound 1 on surface

Holding smooth hound 1

I heard Pat who was behind me, he was into a Smooth Hound. I disconnected from my anchor using the quick release system and addled over to him to get a photo. Pat was chuffed with his fish. He ended up getting two this evening. I carried on fishing till almost dark hoping for another Smooth Hound which did make an appearance. After another really good fight I landed another Smooth Hound on the Peeler Crab Bait. I took some photos and got one of the fish with my species hunt card this time. After releasing the Smooth Hound I pulled the anchor and headed back in.


The camp site was a laugh that night. Great to meet the guys from the site and put a face to their names. Stories were told till the early hours of the morning. Saturday was forecast to be blustery and waking up it was apparent the forecast was spot on. The breeze was already picking up. The competition was due to start at 11am so all the kayaks were readied and all were out on the water ready to fish. My plan was to head out and get a Smooth Hound and then come in and fish the shallows when the wind came up. The action was almost instant as I anchored up in approximately 30ft of water in the tidal run. I sent out two rods baited with Peeler Crab and was into a Smooth Hound in no time. I only needed to catch one but ended up getting into four as I stayed in the mark to get a Dogfish which also was not long in showing up.

Smooth Hound 3 Holding

Smooth Hound 4

Smooth Hound 5

Smooth Hound 6

I pulled the anchor and headed in to the shallows to target some other species. I was fishing around a rough ground area and managed a Corking Wrasse and a tiny Whiting. Not much to brag about Corkwing Wrassebut it was points towards the competition. I needed to catch a Bass and a Flatfish at this stage.  I tried for the Flatfish but could not seem to get a take so I decided  to head back in for a cup of coffee as it was raining and something to warm up was a good idea. I trolled my way back along the shore line pulling a Tackle House Feed Shallow behind me. As I came passed a rocky outcrop the rod bent over as a Bass picked up my lure. I was delighted as this was my first Bass on a Feed Shallow. I do not lure fish much. I got some photos and let the Bass back on its way. Not a monster but a bonus when they are not really on the feed.


Releasing Bass

After a hot cup of coffeee and a discussion with some of the lads that were on the shore I headed back out to the reef area. I anchored up and tried some small baits on size 10 hooks. Ballan WrasseI broke pieces of Rag Worm and fished them on a light spinning rod. I was immediately into loads of small Corking Wrasse. After a while I got a better bite and landed a small Ballan Wrasse.More points but still a pleasure to catch. This was my last fish for the day and I headed in to get into some dry clothes and demolish a plate of Pats curry which was a treat on a miserable evening.

Sunday morning I woke early to catch a Flatfish. Early was at 5am and in an hour or two I was back in and landed a small dab which meant I had completed the challenge. The weather was glorious on the Sunday and as I was a little tired from all the fishing I chose to relax for the day. Reports came in that there were plenty of Smooth Hound around and various species. At the end of the day I was awarded some excellent prizes by the clubs sponsors which I will post later. It must be said that the organisers, sponsors and everybody there deserves a big thank you for making the weekend an enjoyable event.

Here is a video of the Smooth Hound Action from the weekend.

Until next time,

Tight Lines.

Fishing with a Friend

Dave is a good friend of mine for many years now. We played in a band together any yes, we fished a lot together. He was very interested in the kayak fishing scene and was very keen in getting one after I took him out for a session last year. So he grabbed a great deal on an Ocean Kayak Trident and has since been waiting with anticipation for the day in which both our schedules allowed us to get out to sea for the first time together.

Dave really wanted to get out and get to grips with his new gadgets and to see generally how fishing was done off the kayaks. I told him that it was just like fishing from the shore with regards to simplicity of the rigs. Dave is a very good shore angler so I have no doubt he will fit into the kayak angling very easily. So we decided on a nice easy laugh and sheltered area for his first voyage to sea. With the Irish Kayak Angling Cork Meet happening this coming weekend we decided we would give the area a go to see was there anything about.

Rigged up, we headed down to the water and I couldn’t help but notice a slight resemblance between us….

TwinsWe got out on the water and started getting Dave’s fishfinder sorted and in no time his Lowrance HD with Chirp was showing an amazing high definition screen of the bottom. I am very impressed with this fishfinder. Soon we were paddling to the deeper water at the end of the head land to find some baitfish. We we soon on the Mackeral and I took a photo of the screen of my fishfinder to show the baitfish below us. Dave got into them too and although it is not a huge fish to start him off, he got his first fish off his new kayak.

Dave fishfinder

Dave Mackeral

Fishinder BaitfishWhile stocking up on the Mackeral I came across a shoal of Herring. Strange I thought. Once we had enough Mackeral bait to replenish the diminishing stock in the freezer we paddled out to find a little deeper water. This area is quite shallow and drops off very gradually so it was a little bit of a paddle to find 40ft of water but our drift would take us all the way in. I found the best method to catch flatfish is on the drift. They love the moving bait. Most baits will catch them but I seldom stray away from a thin piece of fresh mackeral strip just hooked once so that it does not spin. Beads and sequins are personal choice and all work. My single hook ledger rig was once again the rig of choice couple with my favorite hook pattern, Cox and Rawles Uptide Extra. I was on a size 1/0 for the flatfish. Simplicity.


Flattie BaitIt was not long till I had my first Dab on the kayak. The telltale rattle bite signaling that there was one interested. Nothing that was a record breaker but still such great fun on a spinning rod. They are intriguing fish the flatfish species. Dave lost one at the side of his kayak but was not going to be beaten. I got the old friend, the Dogfish. But the Irish Kayak Angling Meet here has them down as a target so there it is. Never a shortage of these guys around.


DoggieDave was next and got himself his first flatfish of his kayak in the form of a Dab. He was delighted. No doubt when he gets to grips with all his toys on his kayak there is an angler to keep an eye on! Not happy with just the Dab he then said he wanted a Flounder. Off he went to the shallower water and within a couple of minutes he was holding one for a photo.

Dave Dab

Dave FlounderSo that was our evenings paddle. dave got to test his new gadgets, get into some fish and both of us enjoyed having a laugh out there. It just makes fishing that bit more better. So with the meet there this weekend, I think there should be some fish caught. There were a good number of boats fishing for Bass on the lure.

Until next time,

Tight Lines.

Targeting Spurdogs – A First

Having never caught a Spurdog (Squalus Acanthias) off the kayak, not even off the shore, I was always keen to land one or at least try for them as they appear at certain times of the year and thus can be actively targeted when they arrive. From looking into information regarding the Spurdog and catching one, they feed on most fish baits and will also take a crab bait. So that was the plan – Sandeel baits.

Kayak Pulley Rig

I got a phone call from Kevin Brain who runs a guiding and tackle store at www.kbfishingireland.com. We decided that we would load up the kayaks and head to the venue to target the Spurdogs on the incoming tides using Sandeel baits. Kevin has all these baits in his store so there was no need for going out to get bait. The tackle setup used comprised of just simple light rods with spinning reels which would make the fishing more fun rather than heavy gear. Kevin used simple single hook ledger rigs while I used one rod with the single hook ledger rig and the other I went for the kayak Pulley Rig that Cox and Rawle sent me.

Paddle Out

The wind picked up in the afternoon but undeterred i ventured out on the kayak to find the channel on the fish finder while Kevin opted to stay on the land and fish. The area we fished has a strong enough tidal flow but a two ounce weight fished away from the kayak was sufficient. The Sandeel bait was made up by taking the head and tail off to stop it spinning in the tide and rigging it on the Pennel Rig without bait elastic. On the other rod with the single hook ledger I used another Sandeel bait with the head and tail removed but bound this on the single hook ledger rig as I was only using a single hook.

Sandeel on Pulley Rig

Waiting for a TakeKevin was the first to see some action as the Spurdog started to move with the tide. I looked over and he had a really nice Spurdog landed and I could hear his excitement across the water. Not content with just the one, no sooner had he released it and his other rod went. Not as big as the first but still a fine sized Spurdog and after a quick few photos Kevin released it to carry on with its duties. It was only a matter of time before they passed me.

KB first Spurdog   KB Spurdog 2

Waiting patiently I saw my first rod have a sudden thump of a bite. This rod had the single hook ledger rig with a Cox and Rawle Uptide Extra 2/0 hook attached at the business end. Picking up the rod I felt the thump again and then a good solid take to which I responded by setting the hook. A good weight at the end could be felt as the spinning rod bent over.

Spurdog 1 Fight

After a good fight on the light gear I was greeted by my first ever Spurdog. I was extremely happy to see the fish break the surface. Not as big as Kevins fish but when having never caught one, I didn’t care what size it was only that I had it on the kayak. I soon realized where they get their name from as the have extremely sharp spines or spurs in front of the dorsal fins which can be seen in the photos below. Handling these fish should be done with caution as I would not like to get one of those spines stuck into me. After some photos the Spurdog was released and swam away gracefully.

Spurdog 1 Front

Spurdog 1 Spur

Spurdog 1 Face

Spurdog 1 Front 2

Spurdog 1 Release

During the fight I noticed my second rod getting a take. I opened the drag on the reel while fighting my first fish and let the second run away. After releasing the first fish I picked up the second rod and felt the fish was still there. Another Spurdog came to the surface but was much smaller than any of the fish caught this day. Some photos taken the Spurdog was released. From never catching one to having and evening session of landing two was a great success in my eyes.

Spurdog 2 Fight

Spurdog 2 in Water

Holding Spurdog 2 Front

Releasing Spurdog 2

I have to say that the Spurdog is a stunning looking fish and a pleasure to catch. It is great to see them swimming away as well. That was it for the evenings action as the fish had moved on with the tide. It seems there is a small window of opportunity within the tidal stage where these fish come through but this was only my first ever outing for them so only time will tell. A really enjoyable even with Kevin Brain and check out his website for all fishing updates and information.

KB Fishing

Until next time,

Tight Lines.



Fishing Report 26-01-2015

Checking up on local reports on whether a fresh run Salmon had been landed yet on Lough Currane, I was surprised to hear that the first fish had not been caught yet. With this in mind I decided to give it a go in the morning, trolling around for an hour or so. To be honest it was more of an exploration trip really. I only ever fished one area of the lake so I went out with the intention of just paddling and seeing what the contours of the bottom were like and maybe find that elusive fresh fish in a new area.

I trolled using various Rapala shallow running hard baits and was able to put into action the Cox and Rawle inline replacement single hooks that they had sent me out which I previously wrote a post about at the link here. I paddled the edges of the lough and got a take. Not much of a fight and definitely not that fresh Salmon I am eager to catch. It turned out to be a small trout. After a quick photo the small chap was put back to hopefully grow to the monster sizes that this lough often produces.

Small Sea Trout

Small Seatrout Release

The wind was blowing a little at this stage so it was best that I stayed close to the bank where I was protected from the wind in case it blew up quickly. The lough can get very rough quickly so I prefer to be safer. I continued along the bank and got another take. This time a better bend in the rod but no, another kelt Seatrout. I quickly unhooked the fish and then released it after a photo. There does seem to be a lot of kelt around.

Seatrout Kelt

Seatrout Kelt Release 1

Seatrout Kelt Release 2

The day was starting to deteriorate so I decided to paddle back to where I launched from and got a take on the way back. A small brown trout. I let this small guy back on his way. No fresh Salmon for me yet but hopefully I may get one this season.

Brown Trout

Brown Trout Release 1

Brown Trout Release 2

After this days fishing, the first fresh Salmon caught on Lough Currane was landed and weighed in at 17lb 10oz on the 27/01/2014. A lovely fish and well done to the angler that got it. I await my turn eagerly.

Until next time,

Tight lines.

Fishing Report 24-01-2015

The weekend is finally here and that means that its is fishing time. The good thing is that I get to fish with my father. He has entered the Species Hunt 2015 on the Irish Kayak Angling Website so he is always eager to go now. The weather predicted southerly winds to increase in the afternoon so we decided the night before that we would be better off going in the morning and give it an hour or two. We headed to a local deep water mark in the hope of some fresh Codling.

Paddle Out

Once we got out there was a breeze already starting and the sea was a little lumpy. With this bit of wind and an outgoing tide I used my drogue to slow my drift down over the 110ft rough ground mark. First to get a fish was my father and it turned out to be a decent Pouting. This got him off the mark for 2015 so he was delighted.


Dad Pouting

It was not the most eventful morning we have had out there but the tide was going out and was very low. This spot does seem to fish much better on the incoming tide. I then had a take, which were few and far between, but only turned out to be a Dogfish. Not a great sign, but at the pace the fishing was this morning I was glad to have something on the Kayak.


The wind started coming up a bit at this stage so we paddled around the island to get out of it. I had one last drift over a shallower patch of ground. Plenty of Poor Cod around. I then got a take and bought up a fine sized Whiting which had taken a Poor Cod that was hooked and did not even know about it. Oh well, fishing I guess.

Whiting 1

I guess that with the outgoing tide at this mark put us at a little disadvantage but when the opportunity comes to get the kayaks out at this time of year we do. Not any monsters but there is a long year ahead and hopefully some real fish to talk about.

Until next time,

Tight lines.

Fishing Report 19-01-2014

It seems that I cannot look out the window without wondering whether there are fish waiting to be caught or not. The weather forecast for this day was predicted to blow up in the afternoon so I got up early in the morning and looked out the window. Not a breathe of wind and to my surprise, some sunshine. Luckily the car was already loaded from ,my previous days fishing so all that was needed was to load some mackeral I had frozen. Driving down to the spot it looked good. I wanted to see were there any Bullhuss around and also to try out Cox and Rawle Uptide Extra Hooks that they sent out to me.

Paddle Out

cox and rawle uptide extra

It was a short paddle out to the drop where the channel flowed through. I anchored and fished in around 40ft of water and using a single hook ledger trace which can be seen in the video below. The tide was flowing in and I sent out a mackeral head bait on my trusty centre pin reel on a spinning rod. I had another rod with me which was rigged with some sabiki feathers which I used to try get some fresh bait. The first fish to be caught was a mackeral. Strange, but I did not complain as I had some fresh bait now.


My trusty spinning rod and centre pin then had a knock and then the fish started taking line. I was a little impatient and struck into the fish. After a couple of seconds, nothing. The line went slack. Not like me but it is fishing. I checked the bait and it was then changed to the fresh mackeral head. While fishing with my second rod I managed a tiny whiting. It was when this fish was bought on the kayak that the head bait got picked up again. This time I left it a bit longer before setting the hook. I was delighted to feel the solid weight and knew it was a huss. After a brief fight I bought the fish onto the kayak. A nice bullhuss. It made the cold hands worth while.

Bullhuss fight


Bullhuss head

Holding Bullhuss 1

After a quick few photos I put the bullhuss back to hopefully grow much bigger. By now it was time to up anchor and head in. The wind had come up quite a bit at this stage but nothing I did not feel uncomfortable with and my kayak dealt with the chop easily enough.

Until next time,

Tight lines.


Fishing Report 17-01-2015

Today was the opening day for the Salmon fishing season on Lough Currane. The day before, the seasonal licenses were sorted out and last night the gear was being prepared. Full of optimism, my father and I joked about who was going to get the first fish of the season. We are not big Salmon anglers but rather do it for the new experience and something different. We had our rods ready and the car packed the night before even though we only stay two minutes from the waters edge. Here is the view from the house.

Lough Currane

The tactics that were used involved trolling shallow running hard baits around the known salmon lies in hope of a fresh spring Salmon. The morning alarm went off and looking outside revealed that it was still dark. After a quick cup of tea it was done to the water. I was using my trusted KP centre pin reel from South Africa and a second rod with a Shimano Calcutta bait caster. On one rod I used a 13cm Rapala and the other an 11cm Rapala. The morning was bitter cold but we went ahead with it as it was the first day of the season. Taking minimal tackle with us we launched at a local slip and started trolling.

I had a feeling of confidence as I started trolling. I do not know what it is, but when you have that feeling, you know it is going to be a good day. I heard my father yell “fish on”, I paddled over to him only to hear he lost a small trout next to the yak. On my way again I trolled. I passed an area where I had seen fish caught last year and I was rewarded with my soft rod bending over and I was on to a fish. It was not a great fight which was a sign that it could be a Kelt. A returning fish from last season. After a brief fight the Kelt Salmon was lifted in to the yak. I did not care it was a Kelt because to me its a salmon, be it fresh or not. A quick few photos and he was sent on his way to continue his journey.

Holding Brown Kelt

Brown Kelt Face

Releasing Brown Kelt     Releasing Brown Kelt 2

Back to trolling again and I passed another area known to hold the Salmon. As I came around the rod buckled over again. This time the fish came out the water and jumped a few times which you can see in the video. The fish put up a good fight and presented itself as a small Seatrout. Pictures taken, the fish was then sent back, (well jumped back). The funny thing was that my father was trolling at the same speed, in the same area and not doing much different yet had not another take the rest of the day.

Holding Small Kelt

By this time the boats had come out in force. There were a number of boats on the water, all with the same ambition. We decided that we would paddle out of the traffic and head over to another island in the lough. On the way there my rod once again had a good take. A better fight but still not that elusive fresh Salmon. It was a lovely Seatrout which looked like a fish on its way back to the sea. Once again the pictures were taken, the fish was released.

Holding Silver Kelt

Releasing Silver Kelt      Releasing Silver Kelt

We decided that we would give it a little while longer but to be honest the traffic on the lake was a little much for the two of us on our kayaks. I managed a small brown trout which took the large 13cm Rapala intended for the Salmon. A nice fish. Once again, a few pictures and the little fish was sent away.

Holding Brown Trout

Releasing Brown Trout      Releasing brown Trout 2

After the days fishing, me and my father discussed the possibilities of why he never got a take from a Salmon. Of course I told him because he was not good enough which did not impress him much. But we did come to some interesting thoughts. The rod I was using was 10ft in length and very light and flexible. When paddling my rod would bend forward and back on the stokes of my paddle. This in turn would have the effect of an ever changing speed on the lure being pulled on the troll. This small bit of difference between the two of us may have been the factor. It was just a thought we had.

What a great start on the opening day of Lough Currane. Below is the video of the days fishing.