Fishing Report 24-04-2014

What a weekend for fishing. The sun was shining and the wind was minimal. I had dug lugworm the day previous as I had the intention to try my luck at a spot where I knew the bass ran up the estuary. I also knew there was a chance of some flounder. So I headed over to the spot where I rigged the kayak. The spot is so shallow at low tide there is no need for a fish finder.

anchored up

The kayak sat nicely anchored up with the flow of water passing by. I could see fish rising as they passed so I could feel that any second I was going to get a take. The first bite was the telltale sign of a flounder. The familiar rattle of the rod. I struck into it and I had my first fish of the day. A small flounder.

flounder fight

flounder 1

The tide was pushing in nicely now and the second fish grabbed the lugworm bait without any hesitation. This was surely a bass. I knew it was not a big one but never the less it was the first one for 2014 for me. After a quick poor photograph the bass was released.


Up next came the familiar rattle again and another flounder showed itself. This followed by another small bass which were released as I was only have a bit of sport fishing on the light spinning rods. These are all I use when fishing shallow water for bass.

flounder 2

I knew I only had a little while longer to fish before the tide forced me to move. So with both rods out with fresh baits on I waited for another bite. It was not long till I luckily grabbed my rod before it was pulled over by a better fish. A good fight and some strong runs due to the current really put a smile on my face. I then landed  decent bass of around 4lb. I took some photos and sent him back to fight another day. Click HERE if you would like to see the video of this days fishing.

bass 1


bass 2


Until next time,

Tight lines.

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