Fishing Report 30-05-2014

Being to occupied with trying to catch a Salmon off the kayak, my sea fishing has been a little quiet so this had to be changed. I was persuaded (not really!) by my father to go for a paddle at a new spot. The spot has an easy launch and smooth paddle out to water that reaches a depth of 110ft and deeper in some places. There is a mixture of ground including rough and sand. The tide was incoming and late evening. A slight breeze and plenty of sunshine. I have to say that the sight of paddling on a summers evening and fishing in a flat calm sea is like a dream, adding fish to this is just an added bonus.

Paddle Out

So using my Lowrance fishfinder I paddled for a while, observing the depth and the ground structure as I had never fished this area before. With prior experience with deep water marks I had an idea what may be lurking below and the best approach to see what is around would drop some smaller baited rigs as it was almost certainly going to be a mixed bag of fish. Drifting over the rough ground was the chosen tactics and fresh bait in the form of Mackeral were soon in the kayak.

      Putting Feathers on          Mackeral String

With some fresh Mackeral, the rigs were baited up and a handful of different species came up. A Ballan Wrasse was a really welcome sight. For their size they put up a good fight. A quick photo and back it went to fight another day.

Holding Ballan Wrasse

Whiting, Pouting, Poor Cod and codling also showed up. Although small it showed what this spot has the potential to produce and what may be targeted.

       Holding Whiting         Holding Pouting

Next on the list was a small Pollock and a Dab which took a bait as I drifted off the rough ground onto some sand.

Holding Pollock

Holding Dab

I was delighted with the days results. No monster sized fish but what more could you ask for, a warm evening with us being the only two people out on the water. A great day out with some tasty Mackeral for the barbeque. An impressive sight on the paddle back in topped the day off.

End Of Day Paddle

Until next time.

Tight Lines.



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